Archive Jobs

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61 Walk in Interview for Laboratory Animal Veterinarian (Full-time on Contract)
Result (PDF File, 54 Kb)
04 Aug 2021 05:00 PM Download file ( 83.50 KB ) Download pdf ( 421.72 KB ) Download pdf ( 462.33 KB )
62 PhD (Biotechnology) Program Admission 2021
List of Shortlisted Candidates and Schedule for Online Interview (PDF File, 129kb)
Result (PDF File, 186 Kb)
31 May 2021 05:00 PM Download file ( 87.00 KB ) Download pdf ( 279.38 KB ) Download pdf ( 77.69 KB ) Download pdf ( 25.17 KB ) Download file ( 22.50 KB )
63 Temporary Positions of Research Associates, Senior Research Fellow & Junior Research Fellows
List of Shortlisted Candidates and Schedule for Online Interview (PDF File, 136kb)
Result (PDF File, 104 kb)
10 May 2021 05:00 PM Download file ( 84.00 KB ) Download pdf ( 166.84 KB ) Download pdf ( 130.11 KB ) Download file ( 28.50 KB )
64 Walk In Interview for the temporary Positions of Research Associate & Junior Research Fellow
Walk in interview for 26.03.2021 has been rescheduled to 30.03.2021 (PDF File , 48kb)
Result(PDF File, 68kb)
30 Mar 2021 12:00 AM Download file ( 85.50 KB ) Download pdf ( 102.40 KB ) Download pdf ( 130.31 KB )
65 Technical Positions on Direct Selection Basis
Status of Eligibility of OBC candidates (PDF File, 68.7 kb)
Status of Eligibility of SC candidates (PDF File, 63.6 kb)
Result of Senior Technical Assistant (Reserved for SC) (PDF File, English, 212KB)
Result of Senior Technical Assistant (Reserved for OBC) (PDF File, English, 212KB)
02 Mar 2021 04:00 PM Download file ( 79.50 KB ) Download pdf ( 112.78 KB ) Download file ( 19.50 KB ) Download pdf ( 135.26 KB )
66 Walk In Interview for the temporary Positions of Research Associates, Senior Research Fellow. Junior Research Fellow (Own Fellowship) Project Scientist, Project Associate-I, Project Assistant.
Result(PDF File, 75kb)
26 Feb 2021 08:30 AM Download pdf ( 180.87 KB ) Download file ( 88.50 KB ) Download pdf ( 134.06 KB )
67 Walk In Interview for the temporary Positions of Research Associate-I, Junior Research Fellow (Own Fellowship), Project Fellow-I.
Result(PDF File, 70kb)
03 Feb 2021 09:00 AM Download pdf ( 163.06 KB ) Download file ( 85.50 KB ) Download pdf ( 131.09 KB )
68 Walk In Interview for the temporary Positions of Research Associate-I, Junior Research Fellows, Project Fellow-I
Result(PDF File, 77kb)
08 Jan 2021 09:00 AM Download file ( 85.00 KB ) Download pdf ( 131.08 KB ) Download pdf ( 88.06 KB )
69 Walk-in-Interview for the temporary positions of Junior Research Fellow (Own Fellowship) & Project Fellow-I
Result(PDF File, 121kb)
17 Dec 2020 09:00 AM Download file ( 85.50 KB ) Download pdf ( 120.52 KB ) Download pdf ( 130.97 KB )
70 Opportunity for 4 to 6 months (Jan to June 2021) Research Training with project at NABI, Mohali
Result(PDF File, 112kb)
10 Dec 2020 05:30 PM Download pdf ( 74.13 KB ) Download file ( 55.50 KB ) Download pdf ( 113.35 KB )